2016 Innovation of the Year

RDR Wellness Team is honored by Bank of America, the Entrepreneur Center of Nashville and Bunker Labs with innovation of the Year!

Winner of Innovator of the Year for 2020

This award recognizes the top individual Innovator in Middle Tennessee. This award was presented to an individual who created and implemented an innovative technology-based product, service or process that enhances customer experience, profitability, efficiency, or life experience.

Why Did Kathleen Ongena Start This Business?

“In 2006, while living in Belgium,” explains RDR Founder Kathleen Ongena, “my daughter and I went through a very traumatic experience. It was so bad that there was intense sadness and damage to my mind and soul. I felt like my life was over, and I had no idea how I could ever again find pleasure in waking up in the morning. So I went to my doctor, thinking that medication could help me “see the light” again. Instead, she told me about Alpha Theta Training. I would have done anything at that point to feel better, so I contacted the training center for more information.

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What are Brainwave Sounds?

As described in the October 1973 Scientific American journal article (pp 94-102) titled “Auditory Beats in the Brain,” published by Dr. Gerald Foster of the Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Kathleen’s research is based on the use of Therapeutic Sounds, also known as binaural sounds, a phenomenon where stereo headphones are used to direct sounds/signals separately to both ears. Binaural sounds are a consequence of the interaction of perceptions within the brain, and it is believed that they can be used to investigate some of the brain’s processes.

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Who Can Use Brainwave Sounds?

RDR Wellness Sounds are for anyone who would like to experience an optimal state of mind and balance between their emotional, mental, and physical being. Any person, animal, or plantlife can benefit in various ways that includes stress reduction and induced relaxation. The RDR sounds assist the body and brain by realigning and reestablishing new neural pathways (brainwaves) that may be blocked or weakened by acute or chronic conditions. They can also assist in coping with traumatic events and injuries. Minors (under the age of 18) may also use RDR wellness sounds with written approval and participation of their parents or guardians.

Client Testimonials


How RDR Sounds helped with a family’s unexpected event – and survived it, thrived, and even stronger today. RDR Sounds used: Depresssion, anxiety, stress, relax, focus, and a customized sound per user.

My first surgery was at the age of 9 due to various neurological deficits and loss and spinal fusions. I was supposed to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life….today, I am walking, standing on my feet nearly 5-8 hours a day and run around. Thanks to my RDR Sounds: PTSD, addiction, depression, customized sound per my condition.

Dr. Mashburn had severe claustraphobia, nightmares, and a feeling of restraint…”the frequencies helped me more than anything else I’ve tried.”

“I have been using RDR sounds for three years now. It’s easy to use in your daily life and routine. Thank you RDR Center!” RDR sounds being used: Anxiety, depression, day-to-day living sounds for coping, past trauma.


Contact Us

Are you looking to improve the quality of your life? Want to find out how we can help? Feel free to give us a call, email us or fill out the contact form. We are here to answer any of your questions.

RDR Wellness, Inc

913 18th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37212
Direct: 615.636.1962

For Inquiries
